Maybe you may find it hard to believe, you may have "talents" that you don't think that you could possibly use to start a business of your own.
Currently I am editing my
Frappr site. Frappr is a site where you can create a map of almost anything that you like. My current Frappr map is for where I live -
LaMott, Pa!
The map was originally for my
LaMott Radio Internet Station but that is temporarily down now. However there is still the
LaMott Podcast that I have!
I have a background in radio broadcasting so having both an Internet Radio station
AND a podcast is quite fun for me - even though it is a bit of work doing the production for it.
I mention this because it occurred to me that this is a special talent / skill that I have that I can put to good use. And it also occurred to me that since I have a "Working From Home" blog that I should post about it here because this is a skill that you can use to work from home. Not everyone has this specific type of skill but you may have a skill or talent of your own that you can put to good use and make it profitable for yourself!
With both the Internet radio station and the podcast I can generate income from sponsorship and advertisements. I'm also thinking about my local community center where I can post flyers and even a newsletter that I can create relating to both the podcast and the Internet radio station - which would generate more interest and hopefully more revenue!
If you're asking what this may have to do with you it is quite simple! Do you have a talent or skill that you can turn into a profitable business? The answer is probably "Yes" but you may not think that you have any kind of talent or skill that you can turn into a business.
One of the favorite things that I like to mention on my
Dream Job Consultation page is the fact that you could even turn something that you
hate into a profitable business of your own! My most favorite example of this is the whole subject of washing dishes. Now you may hate washing dishes - but guess what? -
you are not alone! What about starting your own "I HATE WASHING DISHES" club?
How would you start it? How about starting with a free blog where you don't have to pay anything to have the blog and you start posting about your experiences relating to washing dishes - which you hate to do? You could add pictures regarding it and continue to post about your experiences. If you promote your blog (or website) you will start to get visitors and hopefully even a few of those visitors will start posting comments to your site. You can mention that you are starting a club about it and hopefully you will get people interested enough to join. You can decide whether or not you want to charge a fee or not - but the main point is to just get started to get started getting more interest to your site.
To start earning money you can add Google's Adsense program to your site so that you can have ads on your site where you earn money when visitors to your site click on the ads.
Promote your site, get more traffic and more visitors and optimize your site for the search engines so that even
more people will find it!
The more traffic that you generate the more interesting and appealing you will look to potential advertisers! You may even get advertisers who will want to advertise on your site directly instead of going through a third party and that will mean even
MORE money for you!
To start to make even more money start writing reviews of the different products that you use relating to washing the dishes. Companies are always interested in what people think of their products! You may even get comments and suggestions from other consumers who are using the same product and
that will even bring more interest - and hopefully more traffic to your site - thus making it more popular!
There are so many additional things that can be added to this!
You could start a podcast of reviews. Just think about it. Listen to a local radio station or tv show and notice the advertising and the kinds of ads that are appearing! That could be
YOU if you had your own podcast because it would be like having a show of your own!
Now maybe there is something else that you do or don't like that you could turn into a business - but hopefully you are getting my point here!
If you don't think that you have any special talents or skills just think about what you do in the course of a day! Look around you. Do you collect something, have a special hobby or special interest? You may be able to turn that into a profitable business of your own!
Please think about it and give it some thought!
So many people are being laid off from their jobs and they are having a hard time finding another one. But being able to do something profitable in the meantime can surely do more harm than good!
If you would like to comment about your special interests, skills, etc so that you can receive some feedback, then please post your comments here.