Monday, November 16, 2009

Work At Home Scam? I'll Let YOU Decide!

I was reading this blog post online about a possible working at home scam and I thought that I would pass the information along to you. It occurred to me that if I'm going to blog about working at home I should include the bad along with the good!

I'm sure that you have seen websites from those who have claimed that they have made a ton of money and that you could too if you just ordered their products. There is one such site that claims this and when I went to the site the person offered to show you how to make a lot of money online and he was going to show you how to do it for free!

I did a little checking around and I found a blog post from someone who actually "signed up for the program and then he posted his review of the program on his blog!

The results? - Well it doesn't look too good!

It seems the program is a sort of "spin off" of the Herbalife program which also seems to be having problems of their own!

Here is a link to the blog post! It provides some very insightful information!

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