Thursday, January 31, 2008

Are You Good At Fixing Computers?

Then you might want to take a look at As the name says it is a website that helps people with their computer problems. (They also provide assistance on other kinds of problems relating to other electronical and consumer equipment like refridgerator and washing machine repairs.) How it can help YOU is that they are offering you money if you become one of their "experts".

In their words:

"As a qualified Premium Assistance Expert, you'll have the opportunity to solve Premium Problems and participate in Premium Live Chats with other FixYa users - and earn cash for your solutions!".

You have to become a registered "expert" by registering with the site but so far it seems that registration is free.

Their payment process seems comparable to that of Adsense where your earnings are calculated over a 30 day period. You earn more by participating in live chats concerning computer (and other kinds of) repair. You can earn from $3 - $12 per "successful" (which means your solution has to be chosen) solution.

You can find out more about this by clicking here.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Are You Praying For A Financial Miracle?

I found this very interesting article about "Are You Praying For A Financial Miracle. I posted it on my Financial Basics blog.

So many people are looking and praying for a financial miracle. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. Basically what this article is saying is that one should use their own talents to help achieve that "financial miracle" that they are looking for as opposed to just not doing nothing.

The article says that we all have gifts and talents of one sort or another and we should use them - spread our talents out to the world! And now with the Internet that is more possible than ever!

Take a good look at the article. Maybe it will help inspire and motivate you.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You Never Know Where More Money-Making Opportunities Will Come From

and I can use myself as an example of this.

As my profession I do a lot of grant research. I have participated in a lot of forums and message boards that have to do with grants, grant programs and just people seeking more information about grants and the grant process in general. This started me starting a blog called Grant Basics 101 - just because there were so many questions being asked about grant programs.

As I stated before I participate in a lot of forums and message boards that relate to people asking questions about grants. One such forum I have been particpating in for a few years now. Out of the blue I decided to visit this forum and there was a message in my inbox from one of the moderators of the forum who wanted to introduce a concept to some of the people that were actively participating and providing valuable and good advice (I'm flattered that they thought that I was doing so).

It is another potential good income source for me.

But I wanted to make the point that I never thought of this forum as a possible income or money-making source. Just goes to show you that you never know where an income or money opportunity will be coming from.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Do You Still Want To Be Able To Work From Home?

When I first started this blog about working from home there were not a lot of legitimate companies that were hiring people to work from home. I only knew of 2 such companies and I recommended them to my clients all the time!

However there is now an increasing number of companies (legitimate companies) that are looking for and hiring people who will work from their own home.

Some of these work at home opportunities consist of:

  • you providing customer service for a company that is representing a number of legitimate businesses

  • working as agents in sales, technical support and customer service

  • working as virtual assistants who perform a variety of administrative and other business tasks from your home for clients

Please be aware that if you are seriously considering working from home, you should prepare yourself! You should research a company before you apply for a position to ensure it's legitimate. A little homework can help you avoid the many scams out there.

You also should make sure that you have the right computer equipment. Some of the things that you should consider adding to your home office include having a high-speed Internet connection, mobile phone, printer and other related items.

If you would like a listing of these "Work At Home" companies you can submit a $20 payment via the "Buy Now" button on the side of this blog.

Please specify that you want to pay for the "Working From Home" company list!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Is Your Wealth Potential?

Here is an interesting little quiz that I found on the Internet. It is a quiz to find out what your wealth potential is.

I took it and here is my result:

Smiles, winks, anything of that nature is what puts extra bucks in your bank account. Take life and its knocks with style and you will see a payoff. You can make more money using your sense of fun than you can with any other skill you develop. Keep in mind that you do need skills; we all need skills. However, you do not have to make a big display about what you can do. Go after situations that will make you look good.

It seems like its saying that my "flirting" is my way to success!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

10 Ways To Make Money On The Internet!

I have to give credit to this site for reminding me of what I wanted to blog about today. The blog talks about 10 different ways that you can make money online. I was particularly interested in "sell your expertise".

Have you ever heard of Dr. Wayne Dyer? He gives very inspirational talks and one of the things that I remember him saying is that one should "sell their expertise". Almost everyone is good at something. You may not think that you have any talents but more than likely you do have something that you are an expert at! The story that I like to cite most often is the story about two guys who used to mooch off of people. When they ran out of people to mooch off of they wrote a book about how to mooch off of other people. Now they have their own beachhouse!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Can You Make A Living As A Poet?

This was a reply to someone who was looking for work as a poet.

A "company that needs a poet"? Have you tried greeting card companies? You should also think about investing in a copy of "The Writer's Market Handbook" - it lists publishers and what they are looking for in the way of submissions.

Have you considered songwriting? That is related to poetry and artists are always looking for good material.

If you are looking for a way to "commercialize" your poetry you might want to take a look at this blog.

Here is a quick excerpt that I got off the internet:

"Let me give you the upshot of this book in a quick thumbnail. Yes, it is possible to make a living as a poet, no matter what your mother told you. But you must remember two important points if you want to make a living as a poet: first, you will not make a living at writing poetry. Second, you must do something no one has ever done before.

This book is full of examples of people who make a living (or part of a living) as poets, and the ways they do so. And none of them make their living by sitting in their garrets inscribing verse. They all find ways to get out into the community and sell themselves, AS POETS, as a commodity that people are willing to buy.