Well the mere fact that you have a computer of your own at home is a very big PLUS!
Of course I hope that it doesn't surprise you that not everyone has their own computer. Even more interesting is the fact that even though some people do have a computer they are still willing to pay other people to find information for them!
Here is a good example!
I have a client which is an older woman who pays me to find the cheapest airline flights for her. She is a former co-worker and I still see here often and when she found out that I was a computer nut she asked me to find her some cheaper airline fares. Now she does have a computer of her own but for reasons of her own she would rather have someone else find the information for her. (And in this case that someone else just happens to be me!
You never know where a possible client can come from!
Comments Received
LivingAtHome said...
Excellent post and blog, all in all. I just started a blog on this subject as well, and I too felt myself compelled to mention the possibilities of just owning a computer right away in my first post. :)