Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You Never Know Where More Money-Making Opportunities Will Come From

and I can use myself as an example of this.

As my profession I do a lot of grant research. I have participated in a lot of forums and message boards that have to do with grants, grant programs and just people seeking more information about grants and the grant process in general. This started me starting a blog called Grant Basics 101 - just because there were so many questions being asked about grant programs.

As I stated before I participate in a lot of forums and message boards that relate to people asking questions about grants. One such forum I have been particpating in for a few years now. Out of the blue I decided to visit this forum and there was a message in my inbox from one of the moderators of the forum who wanted to introduce a concept to some of the people that were actively participating and providing valuable and good advice (I'm flattered that they thought that I was doing so).

It is another potential good income source for me.

But I wanted to make the point that I never thought of this forum as a possible income or money-making source. Just goes to show you that you never know where an income or money opportunity will be coming from.

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