I was wondering if there are any pointers that you could pass along that might help my get started? I’ve read a couple of books but some where they never point out what to do when your new at this, I don’t have any clips, not even a web site(working on one), and nothing that could be called an example. This is where I’m stuck.
Any help would much be appreciated.
Alan P
The first thing I noticed about your email is that you don't have a website. I also don't know if you are talking about being a freelance writer or being a grant writer.
The first thing that I would advise you to do is to get your website up and running. At least then your site information can be seen 24/7. I don't know the details of the kind of site that you're starting but I would advise you to get that up and running as soon as you can.
If you're talking about freelance writing, I would suggest that you get a copy of the Writer's Market - whether you buy it outright or check it out at your library. This book contains most the information that you will need to start your writing career started.
If you're talking about grantwriting, I have seen it suggested that you start with a small, non-profit organization and help them with their grantwriting. That way you will start to make a name of yourself and plus it will give you that experience that you need.
I hope that this helps answering your question.