Here is another very good reason to have a blog! I just visited an online blog from a woman who has her own very successful photography business.
On her blog she states that
she does NO advertising!
Here is another quote from her site:
but in my business we don’t measure the success of our web presence by the number of page views we receive or the number of comments posted. Instead, I measure its success by the type of clients that we book and how educated they are about our products and services when they approach us."
I think that this is a very important thing that you should keep in mind when you have or are thinking about starting your own business!
Having a blog is a very good idea and its something that is relatively easy to do - plus - you can start your own blog for free on the Internet.
So the next time that you think that having a blog will do no good, I suggest you take a look at this blog!
I Don't Do Any Advertising - All I Have Is A Blog