I have mentioned in previous blog posts that I am having fun learning 3D design. I also have another blog called The 3D Beginner.
Since I'm such a fan of 3D, I have also been visiting some related message forums and came up this post:
"Hey all
I got an email today that is from a group who make pools and waterfalls for display within hotels. This group is looking for a means to show the customer what it will look like before its actually done. They want some Bryce people to do the art..and they will pay for it.
I dont have a price yet, but Im coming here first to ask if anyone would be interested in making pools and waterfall images in Bryce then compositing these images onto an image of the hotel's interior (or exterior as the case may be)
Ive told them it can be done. I dont have time to do this. But if you've ever wanted to get a little cash out of your hobby...maybe actually have bryce pay for itself, this is a chance. I'll probably know more tomorrow.
anyhow, think about it so when more details come forward, you can be ready. I imagine this will pay fairly well. Pools and the like are not in-expensive..so this should pay decently to those knowledgable of bryce and compositing...cause it shouldnt take that long in most cases to make. "
For those of you who don't know what Bryce is - it is a 3d program that lets you make different renders. You can create your own scenes. Here is one of my Bryce renders:

It seems that there was a business looking for 3D artists to create some work for them.
You never know where opportunities are going to come from!
Sad to say that this was an "older" posting and there wasn't a link to the place that was doing the hiring but I hope you get my idea!
As a matter of fact if you are a Bryce artist then you should start a website (or even a blog like I did) and put your work up! Even if you think it's not good you're probably being a little to hard on yourself! I have entered 3d contests and posted my works online and in my various 3d-related art galleries specifically because I wanted some critique.
As a matter of fact (again) you may not know this but there are those who make 3d models for Bryce (and other 3d programs) and actually sell them online - which is something that you could do too!
Great post but still don't think I could do the 3D thing :)
Please bear in mind that this is just but one example of a "talent" that can be utilized. YOU may have a talent that you thought wasn't even possible to make a profession out of but this blog post just goes to show you that you never know where an opportunity may come up!
On a more personal note, I love my 3D hobby and as I get better at it who knows what kind of opportunities there may be! The same could be said for someone else who has a hobby that they enjoy but who might think that they couldn't make any money from it.
I heard a great quote and here it is:
Take Your Passion and turn it into your Profession!
March 2009 Update!
After reading some of the comments posted here, Here is a link to view works by those more experienced (than me) with the Bryce program. You can do some amazing artwork with this 3D program!