One of my very first paid work was designing a website for a neighbor of mine. He did pay me and that was the start of my working at home! (I have since moved on to include research on such things as grants and unclaimed money and other things as well.)
But I have seen yet another post from someone who would like to have a logo designed for them and not once did they mention that they would be willing to pay for it. It wasn't until other graphic designers brought up the fact about actually paying for the service did the original poster of the message say that he would be willing to pay $100 for the logo.
I'm sure that there are a lot of graphic designers out there who get this kind of thing where people want them to provide free or a reduced cost service - which is something that is not really fair to ask for in the first place. I mean you expect to get paid for the work you do - right? Why wouldn't the same be true for graphic designers.
I have read many stories from graphic designers about the terrible clients (and wannabe clients) that they have had!
The bottom line is that you should be paid for your services no matter what it is you do!
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Adsense Consultant's Blog!
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9 years ago