I saw this movie for the first time last week. Here is a link to more information about the movie itself.
What I was particularly interested in was how she got the money to start her own beauty shop.
First I should tell you a little bit about the movie in case you haven't seen it yet. Queen Latifa plays a woman who works at a hair salon who gets fed up with her boss (and his ways) and quits.
I do like the lines when she's saying how she wants to work for herself and not for someone else.
So she quits her job and then goes to the bank to get a business loan. Of course she doesn't qualify to get a loan. And as in real life in order to get a business loan you do have to have some type of collateral. And according to the movie you also have to have a good credit rating as well. I won't give the whole story away but she does manage to get a small business loan and she gets a shop using a smaller amount of money. Then comes the work of fixing up her shop and dealing with the people that work for her. (Another intersting thing as far as beauty shops are concerned is that as the owner you can "rent" out your booths to stylists).
Of course one of the things I found quite interesting about the movie was her having to deal with the inspections guy which you will have to deal with in real life when you are starting a business that has to do with opening a shop and adhering to the rules of licenses and inspections.
Of course the fact that she does know her job she get clients. Some of her clents were from her old job and she got new clients as well.
Personally I liked the movie and was very surprised by Alica Silverstone!
But how does this compare in real life?
Many people are fed up with their bosses and there are many people that want to start their own business. Looking at this movie will show you that number one it does involve a lot of work - not to mention staying up on code with licenses and inspections. I also liked the scene where she was applying for a business loan. To me it showed that a lot of people just don't know what they have to have BEFORE they go to a bank to apply for a busines loan. (So if you are thinking about applying for a business loan you should do some homework beforehand before you actually go to a bank to apply for a business loan.)
The movie also showed that there is a lot of work involved in starting your own business especially when you are starting your business outside your home. There are lots of things (and expenses) that you have to consider - It is called "overhead"
In the end her beauty shop was still going strong!
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