Yet another person doing a search wanting to know how they could start their own porn-webcam business.
Well I do have a webcam page but it is definitely NOT a porn page. You can view my webcam page by going to:
My (Recently Moved) Webcam Page
Basically what you would need to start your own porn-webcam business is your own webcam! Now you could have a digital camera to do your "artwork" but it will be more complicated as far as posting your pictures.
As with any business the more people that know about your website the better. Are there any successful porn sites out there? Yes! Some porn sites make as much as $1,000,000.00 a month! And that is NOT a typo! There is even a 60 year old woman who has her own porn site and she is doing quite well!
While I do sell a "
Business Plan XXX" it doesn't have to do with how to have one's own porn site but it is a business plan for tapping into that market without having to take off your clothes! You don't have to necessarily take off your clothes to tap into the sex/porn site market and that is what my "Business Plan XXX" is about. The idea for it came to me when someone emailed me and said that they wanted to make $5,000.00 a month and still be able to work from home!
February 2010 Update!
Because of the changes at AOL I have had to move my webcam to here: