Friday, September 30, 2005
Grant for starting a towing business?
This is going to be very harsh and I guess I'll be the one to say it........
The number one thing that you are going to have to do is to have a professional business appearance. I can understand the occassional typo error and I can understand how one would "rush" to try and get their point across. But when you are dealing with others on a professional basis you have to present a profession identity. Even when dealing with applying for any kind of grant you will want to appear professional.
With that being said.............
You have to understand some basic things about grants (and going through the process of applying and being awarded them) and the first thing is is that there is no one place to "get" a grant.
It's all going to depend on how you "structure" your business. Have you any kind of business plan at all? How much do you need and more importantly what are you going to use the monies for? What about staff? There are government grant programs that provide funding for training employees and there are additional funding programs if you hire low-incomed, disabled and other specific groups. Are you saying that you are going to start the towing business yourself? Do you have any of the equipment (or even customers) yet or are you basically starting from scratch.
You are not going to get any kind of grant funding with just a one line statement. Even the most minimum of a grant application is a letter of intent and that is going to be definitely more than one line (if you even want to stand the chance of being considered for a grant).
Now let's talk about your post specifically. A woman who is a minority well there is a competition that happens annually and it is being run by a very big business. Basically you submit your business plan and 5 are chosen to receive a $20,000 grant. Past recipients of this grant award were a woman who started her own film company and someone who started a catering company. This kind of thing falls under the category of what I call entrepreneurial grants - and there are more of them out there.
Another thought comes to mind and that is how close are you to the Katrina affected area? Why do I ask? Because for the last four days I have been reading and hearing on television about all of the needed work and businesses that are being contracted to provide services. I can't tell you how many businesses (and organizations) have received grant monies to provide services.
Another thought comes to mind - where do you live? You don't have to be specific and give me your exact address but a city and state would do nicely! Why do I ask? Because if you can structure your business to help the community that you live in then you stand a better chance of getting grant funding(s). Also too, sometimes the area itself will have a specific funding program in place.
And to that the fact that you are a woman and a minority your number of funding resources increase by a whole lot.
So to answer your question - where you go to get a grant will depend on your business's structure and basic information!
This is going to be very harsh and I guess I'll be the one to say it........
The number one thing that you are going to have to do is to have a professional business appearance. I can understand the occassional typo error and I can understand how one would "rush" to try and get their point across. But when you are dealing with others on a professional basis you have to present a profession identity. Even when dealing with applying for any kind of grant you will want to appear professional.
With that being said.............
You have to understand some basic things about grants (and going through the process of applying and being awarded them) and the first thing is is that there is no one place to "get" a grant.
It's all going to depend on how you "structure" your business. Have you any kind of business plan at all? How much do you need and more importantly what are you going to use the monies for? What about staff? There are government grant programs that provide funding for training employees and there are additional funding programs if you hire low-incomed, disabled and other specific groups. Are you saying that you are going to start the towing business yourself? Do you have any of the equipment (or even customers) yet or are you basically starting from scratch.
You are not going to get any kind of grant funding with just a one line statement. Even the most minimum of a grant application is a letter of intent and that is going to be definitely more than one line (if you even want to stand the chance of being considered for a grant).
Now let's talk about your post specifically. A woman who is a minority well there is a competition that happens annually and it is being run by a very big business. Basically you submit your business plan and 5 are chosen to receive a $20,000 grant. Past recipients of this grant award were a woman who started her own film company and someone who started a catering company. This kind of thing falls under the category of what I call entrepreneurial grants - and there are more of them out there.
Another thought comes to mind and that is how close are you to the Katrina affected area? Why do I ask? Because for the last four days I have been reading and hearing on television about all of the needed work and businesses that are being contracted to provide services. I can't tell you how many businesses (and organizations) have received grant monies to provide services.
Another thought comes to mind - where do you live? You don't have to be specific and give me your exact address but a city and state would do nicely! Why do I ask? Because if you can structure your business to help the community that you live in then you stand a better chance of getting grant funding(s). Also too, sometimes the area itself will have a specific funding program in place.
And to that the fact that you are a woman and a minority your number of funding resources increase by a whole lot.
So to answer your question - where you go to get a grant will depend on your business's structure and basic information!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Still think that there are no government grants for for-profit businesses?
The state of Wisconsin has a special initiative to help turn promising ideas into promising (and thriving) businesses. After all a successful business helps the community it serves right? Already 10 business (and I want to emphasize for-profit businesses) have received these grants (with an individual maximum grant amount of $3,000)
Who is eligible to apply? Entrepreneurs and small businesses in the Wisconsin area. Specific funding has been set aside for minorities, dairy businesses and rural business projects.
Who is eligible to apply? Entrepreneurs and small businesses in the Wisconsin area. Specific funding has been set aside for minorities, dairy businesses and rural business projects.
Bringing the businesses BACK to New Orleans.....
Although there are loan programs in place to help the businesses in New Orleans, some fear that more will be needed to be done in order to convince these businesses to stay in New Orleans. That "something more" of course is grants. Representatives want Congress to approve a disaster relief package. No set amount was specified. However in the case of the Sept 11th terrorist attack over 15,000 businesses in the NY area received over $1 Billion dollars in grant money and assistance.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I watched Martha Stewart's Apprentice program
Even with her going to jail and me still not being too clear on what she went to jail for I still like Martha Stewart's story and her rise in business.
Who would have thought that you could take something like decorating and turn it into a financial empire! But back to the show itself! Besides being starstruck over Martha's empire and relishing an inside peek at her OmniMedia company I kind of followed along as the two teams competed and I absolutely agree with who they decided to cut in the first episode and it was the first episode and there is still a ways to go.
How did I feel about the program? Even though it was only the first show I think that this show provides a peek inside the inner goings on of a company and that in itself is very valuable especially when you want to start a business of your own.
Will I be watching it again? - Yes, indeed!
Who would have thought that you could take something like decorating and turn it into a financial empire! But back to the show itself! Besides being starstruck over Martha's empire and relishing an inside peek at her OmniMedia company I kind of followed along as the two teams competed and I absolutely agree with who they decided to cut in the first episode and it was the first episode and there is still a ways to go.
How did I feel about the program? Even though it was only the first show I think that this show provides a peek inside the inner goings on of a company and that in itself is very valuable especially when you want to start a business of your own.
Will I be watching it again? - Yes, indeed!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Finding grant information....
Here is a listing of search terms that people have used that have led them to at least one of my pages:
personal grants listings
daycare grants in ohio
grants / starting own business ex offender
government grants for funeral homes
personal grants listings - Unfortunately there is no one place that can possibly list all the "personal" grants that are out there. There is no one person that knows of all of them either because new ones are always being created and old ones are being renewed or cancelled. There is a category of grants that are called financial emergency grants that will provide cash assistance if you can demonstrate need. There are also grant programs in place to help with utility bills, phone bills and repairs. My own area has a program in place where homeowners can get up to $20,000 in home repairs!
Daycare Grants In Ohio - one important thing that is not mentioned here is whether the daycare is (or is going to be) a non-profit or a for-profit or it can even be both! Some church daycares are a very good example of this. There are some grant programs for both non&for-profit daycares that are not just limited to one's own state. There is some emergency funding available for daycares that are taking in the children of the Katrina disaster - even in Ohio! Another important fact that should be considered when applying for grants is to apply for as many as you can qualify for!
grants / starting own business ex offender - A lot of the grant programs that I have seen make no mention of whether or not someone has a past criminal record. Hopefully I would think that when such a person is applying for any grant that they would make mention if they did have such a past. One of the ways to "soften" this would be if such a person was working in conjunction with an organization be it a non-profit or a for-profit. Additionally it may also depend on the type of business that the ex-offender wants to start. There are some government grant programs that are open to the public to join and that does mean everybody. Non-governmental entities and their grant programs will depend on their each and individual requirements and guidelines. So it isn't impossible for an ex-offender to get a grant!
government grants for funeral homes - It is also not impossible for a funeral home to get a government grant either. One women who owns a marketing firm was tired of reading and hearing about government grants so she decided to investigate on her own and found a government grant that provided funding to help train her employees. This same kind of grant can also be used by a funeral home or any other kind of business. If the funeral home is located in a rural area that opens up another resource of funding resources. There are also grants for research and study and education - all of which a funeral home can partake in.
personal grants listings
daycare grants in ohio
grants / starting own business ex offender
government grants for funeral homes
personal grants listings - Unfortunately there is no one place that can possibly list all the "personal" grants that are out there. There is no one person that knows of all of them either because new ones are always being created and old ones are being renewed or cancelled. There is a category of grants that are called financial emergency grants that will provide cash assistance if you can demonstrate need. There are also grant programs in place to help with utility bills, phone bills and repairs. My own area has a program in place where homeowners can get up to $20,000 in home repairs!
Daycare Grants In Ohio - one important thing that is not mentioned here is whether the daycare is (or is going to be) a non-profit or a for-profit or it can even be both! Some church daycares are a very good example of this. There are some grant programs for both non&for-profit daycares that are not just limited to one's own state. There is some emergency funding available for daycares that are taking in the children of the Katrina disaster - even in Ohio! Another important fact that should be considered when applying for grants is to apply for as many as you can qualify for!
grants / starting own business ex offender - A lot of the grant programs that I have seen make no mention of whether or not someone has a past criminal record. Hopefully I would think that when such a person is applying for any grant that they would make mention if they did have such a past. One of the ways to "soften" this would be if such a person was working in conjunction with an organization be it a non-profit or a for-profit. Additionally it may also depend on the type of business that the ex-offender wants to start. There are some government grant programs that are open to the public to join and that does mean everybody. Non-governmental entities and their grant programs will depend on their each and individual requirements and guidelines. So it isn't impossible for an ex-offender to get a grant!
government grants for funeral homes - It is also not impossible for a funeral home to get a government grant either. One women who owns a marketing firm was tired of reading and hearing about government grants so she decided to investigate on her own and found a government grant that provided funding to help train her employees. This same kind of grant can also be used by a funeral home or any other kind of business. If the funeral home is located in a rural area that opens up another resource of funding resources. There are also grants for research and study and education - all of which a funeral home can partake in.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Yet more good news for for-profit daycare!
More and more I am finding grant funding programs that are allowing for-profits to apply. The lastest - in a nutshell - needs daycare services so badly that they are willing to accept applications from for-profit daycares. Areas where there is a severe need for childcare have enacted policies regarding accepting applications from for-profit (as well as non-profit) daycare services.
There are requirements most notably that your daycare program must be accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children but this grant programs lets you apply WHILE you are going through the certification process.
There are requirements most notably that your daycare program must be accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children but this grant programs lets you apply WHILE you are going through the certification process.
Starting A Catering BusinessI
I am 21 years old, married and have a 5 year old boy. I love to cook and i love when my friends and family come over for a party because i cook and everyone loves my cooking, I cater to partys once in a while and i love doing it, I would love to starting my own catering business, i just dont have the money or resources to start one... I am catering partys from my home, i cook everything at home i do it and just save the money, if anyone needs a caterers i am a very good cook i specialize in latin-american food
Desire is one of the most important things that you will need. If you're really serious about wanting to have a catering business then you will find a way. A lot of people have successfully started a catering business with little money. What you don't have in money you make up for with time and effort.You should also use the catering jobs that you have already done as part of your advertising, marketing and promotion. There is that popular phrase "where there's a will there's a way" Start a business plan and plan for your business. If you want to focus on getting customers right away you can do that too but having a business plan will make things a lot more easier for you.Start with your local area. The holidays are coming up and lots of people are going to be celebrating. But its not just the holidays. You could specialize in the holidays that your cooking expertise is in. A lot of people will throw parties and events and such and don't want to be bothered with the cooking and these are the customers that you should be seeking
If you're really serious about this then you should get started now. As I said before since your main focus is on getting customers and since your catering services may be limited to the areas that you can physically get to you should start locally. From even there you can grow and branch out your business to include things like receipes and products, etc., You should try working some of the resources that you may have now. Oh and by the way speaking of those resources you didn't mention anything about business cards. They are a very good source of advertising and besides how many times have you wished that you had a card to give out but didn't?
Desire is one of the most important things that you will need. If you're really serious about wanting to have a catering business then you will find a way. A lot of people have successfully started a catering business with little money. What you don't have in money you make up for with time and effort.You should also use the catering jobs that you have already done as part of your advertising, marketing and promotion. There is that popular phrase "where there's a will there's a way" Start a business plan and plan for your business. If you want to focus on getting customers right away you can do that too but having a business plan will make things a lot more easier for you.Start with your local area. The holidays are coming up and lots of people are going to be celebrating. But its not just the holidays. You could specialize in the holidays that your cooking expertise is in. A lot of people will throw parties and events and such and don't want to be bothered with the cooking and these are the customers that you should be seeking
If you're really serious about this then you should get started now. As I said before since your main focus is on getting customers and since your catering services may be limited to the areas that you can physically get to you should start locally. From even there you can grow and branch out your business to include things like receipes and products, etc., You should try working some of the resources that you may have now. Oh and by the way speaking of those resources you didn't mention anything about business cards. They are a very good source of advertising and besides how many times have you wished that you had a card to give out but didn't?
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Grant(s) For Pornography?
OK, this has definitely got to come under the heading "I must love a challenge!"
I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised by someone asking me about there being any available grants to start a pornography business. After all and not too long ago I posted about a witch receiving a grant to start her own business - so really why should this surprise me? But it did. Guess what surprised me more? The fact that a non-profit organization got a $160,000.00 grant to help educate parents about how to protect their children against Internet Porn. Of course child pornography is illegal and any steps to help bring the illegal parties to light are candidates for grant funding(s)! How about that! Isn't that something? And its not just limited to child pornography because it also includes the illegal aspects of men and women as well - being exploited.
Actually this kind of news just further shows that I was right in that where there is a concern there is probably a funding source for it. Add to it that we are talking about something that is illegal and has to do with children then that just means that the funding resources increase.
Let's say that you are quite adept at the computer and wanted to start a business at home using the computer (which is something that you are good at). You can either start it as a non-profit or a non-profit branch of your for-profit. You have a real concern for the exploitation of children and want to help as much as possible. You want to bring a greater awareness to this problem and/or help parents to ferret out as much of this stuff as possible or even help turn in some of the illegal sites - even help the police - Did you know that there is funding for that?
Now I know what some of you might be thinking and that is "Well that's all fine and well but what about funding/grants for an actual porn site?" Well don't worry - this has intrigued me enough to find out if even this is possible - never say never!
I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised by someone asking me about there being any available grants to start a pornography business. After all and not too long ago I posted about a witch receiving a grant to start her own business - so really why should this surprise me? But it did. Guess what surprised me more? The fact that a non-profit organization got a $160,000.00 grant to help educate parents about how to protect their children against Internet Porn. Of course child pornography is illegal and any steps to help bring the illegal parties to light are candidates for grant funding(s)! How about that! Isn't that something? And its not just limited to child pornography because it also includes the illegal aspects of men and women as well - being exploited.
Actually this kind of news just further shows that I was right in that where there is a concern there is probably a funding source for it. Add to it that we are talking about something that is illegal and has to do with children then that just means that the funding resources increase.
Let's say that you are quite adept at the computer and wanted to start a business at home using the computer (which is something that you are good at). You can either start it as a non-profit or a non-profit branch of your for-profit. You have a real concern for the exploitation of children and want to help as much as possible. You want to bring a greater awareness to this problem and/or help parents to ferret out as much of this stuff as possible or even help turn in some of the illegal sites - even help the police - Did you know that there is funding for that?
Now I know what some of you might be thinking and that is "Well that's all fine and well but what about funding/grants for an actual porn site?" Well don't worry - this has intrigued me enough to find out if even this is possible - never say never!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Unclaimed Money!
I don't know if I mentioned this before in my blog but you can find more information about this on:
Unclaimed Money is just that - money that has been unclaimed. Whether it be a forgotten bank account, paycheck or insurance monies it is estimated that there is over a billion dollars in unclaimed money that is - well - unclaimed!
In my own state they have used the local newspaper to list all of the unclaimed accounts and it was more than 10 pages long! Nothing but names and amounts!
So you should check and see if you are on the list - regardless of whether you are an individual or business - because businesses (even ones that aren't around anymore) are also listed. Even though you may think that you won't be on the list - you can't say the same thing for relatives of yours.
Unclaimed Money is just that - money that has been unclaimed. Whether it be a forgotten bank account, paycheck or insurance monies it is estimated that there is over a billion dollars in unclaimed money that is - well - unclaimed!
In my own state they have used the local newspaper to list all of the unclaimed accounts and it was more than 10 pages long! Nothing but names and amounts!
So you should check and see if you are on the list - regardless of whether you are an individual or business - because businesses (even ones that aren't around anymore) are also listed. Even though you may think that you won't be on the list - you can't say the same thing for relatives of yours.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
In the privacy of your own home?
Why do people think that they need a lot of money to set up an adult website? or really any kind of site at all?
First of all you should check and see if your ISP provider provides you with webspace. If not you can either use one of the free webhosts or buy a domain name (and webspace) of your own. There are templates galore on the Internet where you can just add your own specific information. If you don't want to hire a web designer then go get a book, go to one of the online tutorial sites and learn.
In the privacy of their own homes people have websites that charge for the priviledge of you viewing their webcam(s) and that is just a start as to what you can do with a website.
First of all you should check and see if your ISP provider provides you with webspace. If not you can either use one of the free webhosts or buy a domain name (and webspace) of your own. There are templates galore on the Internet where you can just add your own specific information. If you don't want to hire a web designer then go get a book, go to one of the online tutorial sites and learn.
In the privacy of their own homes people have websites that charge for the priviledge of you viewing their webcam(s) and that is just a start as to what you can do with a website.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Funding For Daycare
People are searching for this alot!
One of the clients that I had was a woman that was searching for funding for her daycare in one of the southern states. She wanted to start it as a for-profit and in her home.
As strange as it may seem there are some grant programs that providing funding for in-home daycare (and in some cases even for-profits can apply as well). And the number (and amount) of these grant programs increase if its in an area where there is a great need for childcare/daycare.
When you are looking for funding for your daycare there are a lot of things that have to be taken into consideration. When you apply for any grant program the funder is going to want to know at least some basic information (and if it is a government-related grant they will want to know a lot information) like the kind of daycare you will be providing, the age range of the children and whether or not you are a licensed daycare provider. The requirements for being licensed vary from state to state and you will have to know these requirements in order to be officially licensed.
You may also be eligible to apply for some of the funding if 25% or more of the children are from low-incomed families. Funding resources include government, foundations, organizations and even some big businesses will have grant programs relating to childcare. I'm thinking especially of those programs providing funding for providing childcare for their employees - another funding resource that you should be looking into.
Applying for these grant funding programs will depend on each individual organization's application process which varies widely from a simple letter of intent to a number of forms (including a business plan).
You should also look outside the realm of day-care grant programs for grants relating to your specific daycare - like grants for business, grants for women, grants for minorities and even some of the entrepreneurial and global grant programs. There are many of them!
One of the clients that I had was a woman that was searching for funding for her daycare in one of the southern states. She wanted to start it as a for-profit and in her home.
As strange as it may seem there are some grant programs that providing funding for in-home daycare (and in some cases even for-profits can apply as well). And the number (and amount) of these grant programs increase if its in an area where there is a great need for childcare/daycare.
When you are looking for funding for your daycare there are a lot of things that have to be taken into consideration. When you apply for any grant program the funder is going to want to know at least some basic information (and if it is a government-related grant they will want to know a lot information) like the kind of daycare you will be providing, the age range of the children and whether or not you are a licensed daycare provider. The requirements for being licensed vary from state to state and you will have to know these requirements in order to be officially licensed.
You may also be eligible to apply for some of the funding if 25% or more of the children are from low-incomed families. Funding resources include government, foundations, organizations and even some big businesses will have grant programs relating to childcare. I'm thinking especially of those programs providing funding for providing childcare for their employees - another funding resource that you should be looking into.
Applying for these grant funding programs will depend on each individual organization's application process which varies widely from a simple letter of intent to a number of forms (including a business plan).
You should also look outside the realm of day-care grant programs for grants relating to your specific daycare - like grants for business, grants for women, grants for minorities and even some of the entrepreneurial and global grant programs. There are many of them!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
For-profit Daycares are eligible
From the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Child and Adult Care Food Program. Since FY 2001, annual appropriations law had provided for revised eligibility requirements for private organizations under the Child and Adult Care Food Program. This year, however, the provision has been included in separate legislation that temporarily extends the child nutrition programs pending reauthorization. The revised requirements allow a private organization (e.g., for-profit child care provider) to participate in the food program if at least 25 percent of the children served by the organization are eligible for free or reduced price lunch. (Prior to FY 2001, the law required that 25 percent of children receive Title XX Social Services Block Grant funds in order for a private organization to be eligible.)
Child and Adult Care Food Program. Since FY 2001, annual appropriations law had provided for revised eligibility requirements for private organizations under the Child and Adult Care Food Program. This year, however, the provision has been included in separate legislation that temporarily extends the child nutrition programs pending reauthorization. The revised requirements allow a private organization (e.g., for-profit child care provider) to participate in the food program if at least 25 percent of the children served by the organization are eligible for free or reduced price lunch. (Prior to FY 2001, the law required that 25 percent of children receive Title XX Social Services Block Grant funds in order for a private organization to be eligible.)
Grants For Providing Daycare for Katrina Survivors
In answer to a post
Depending upon where you live you might want to look into some of the grant programs that are providing grants to those that are willing to provide daycare for the Katrina victims. Since this is a fairly recent occurence you will have to be careful about finding the right (and legitimate) information.It's not organized for those looking to open a day care center but if you can provide daycare in an already established environment then you should see if you are eligible to apply.
Depending upon where you live you might want to look into some of the grant programs that are providing grants to those that are willing to provide daycare for the Katrina victims. Since this is a fairly recent occurence you will have to be careful about finding the right (and legitimate) information.It's not organized for those looking to open a day care center but if you can provide daycare in an already established environment then you should see if you are eligible to apply.
Grants for Quilting?
I know that there are still quilting clubs around.
And I'm not surprised that even men quilt too.
So I'm not surprised to find out that there are actually grants for quilting. (Actually after finding out about the witch that received a grant to start her business nothing should really surprise me as far as grants go!).
If you have a love of quilting and wanted to start a business that incorporated your quilting you'd have a lot of different routes that you could take. Some Native American women have made quilts which have been bought and sold. There are some smaller grants to help women start their own businesses and I have seen at least one example where one of the businesses that was started was a woman starting her own quilting business. There is even a National Quilting Day!
And I'm not surprised that even men quilt too.
So I'm not surprised to find out that there are actually grants for quilting. (Actually after finding out about the witch that received a grant to start her business nothing should really surprise me as far as grants go!).
If you have a love of quilting and wanted to start a business that incorporated your quilting you'd have a lot of different routes that you could take. Some Native American women have made quilts which have been bought and sold. There are some smaller grants to help women start their own businesses and I have seen at least one example where one of the businesses that was started was a woman starting her own quilting business. There is even a National Quilting Day!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Email from a Katrina Victim?
i am a katrina victom i lost everything i have been looking for a grant so i can get me and my kids life back on track , but everyone wants money i dont have money do you know were to go to get help?
Depending on where you are there should be available information for you. The Katrina victims have so far received cash assistance, food, clothes and last night one victim had already secured a short-term apartment!
There is an organization that already has received grant funding for Katrina victims (I won't mention who they are though), plus the many other resources that I haven't mentioned.
Depending on where you are there should be available information for you. The Katrina victims have so far received cash assistance, food, clothes and last night one victim had already secured a short-term apartment!
There is an organization that already has received grant funding for Katrina victims (I won't mention who they are though), plus the many other resources that I haven't mentioned.
Grants are not just available for individuals!
Counties and municipalities are also eligible for grants as well. My own local area has received over a million dollars in grant monies for various things including renovation and educational programs.
Remember grants are provided to help the community! For instance there is a grant avaiilable now to help fund projects that help to bring employment opportunities to certain low-incomed people. What this means is that if you wanted to start a non-profit organization to help low-incomed people find better paying jobs there is now funding that you can apply for to help you with the projects!
Remember grants are provided to help the community! For instance there is a grant avaiilable now to help fund projects that help to bring employment opportunities to certain low-incomed people. What this means is that if you wanted to start a non-profit organization to help low-incomed people find better paying jobs there is now funding that you can apply for to help you with the projects!
Friday, September 16, 2005
Still think that there are no grants for daycare?
Here's an excerpt:
I always hear the same thing from my clients. Then I tell them my story how the first business I started was a before and after school daycare. We completely financed our business from grants. Of course what is available varies greatly state by state. Some states are really trying to build daycares. I am glad that you made that point, telling people that yes there are daycare grants.
Well I am very glad that you posted! You are the perfect example showing that there are grants available for daycare because you have actually done it yourself!
I have found grant programs for those wanting to start non-profit and for-profit daycares but for the most part they don't want me to post their names (mostly because they want to apply for the grant(s) on a regular basis and want as less people to know about them as possible) and of course it is their decision as to whether or not they want to be known. Have to keep the clients happy!
I always hear the same thing from my clients. Then I tell them my story how the first business I started was a before and after school daycare. We completely financed our business from grants. Of course what is available varies greatly state by state. Some states are really trying to build daycares. I am glad that you made that point, telling people that yes there are daycare grants.
Well I am very glad that you posted! You are the perfect example showing that there are grants available for daycare because you have actually done it yourself!
I have found grant programs for those wanting to start non-profit and for-profit daycares but for the most part they don't want me to post their names (mostly because they want to apply for the grant(s) on a regular basis and want as less people to know about them as possible) and of course it is their decision as to whether or not they want to be known. Have to keep the clients happy!
Would You Believe that there is already a grant to help Katrina Survivors?
A grant has been awarded to one of the centers to help aid the Katrina victims. The aid includes assistance for rent, utilities, temporary shelter plus counseling is also provided.
Unfortunately the organization does not have a website or email address provided so they will have to be reached by regular mail or by phone.
Unfortunately the organization does not have a website or email address provided so they will have to be reached by regular mail or by phone.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Is Africa eligible for grants?
"I have liked your helpful information about grants.Thank you so much for all the ideas and help to promote creative people. I humbly wish to know if these grants can apply in African countries."
There is one grant program that awards a $100,000 grant for endeavors to help make the community (and therefore society) as a whole better. This grant program is open to any one, any organization in any country in the world that qualifies! And that is just one of the grant programs! So the answer to your question is "Yes" there are grant programs in which areas in Africa can apply.
There is one grant program that awards a $100,000 grant for endeavors to help make the community (and therefore society) as a whole better. This grant program is open to any one, any organization in any country in the world that qualifies! And that is just one of the grant programs! So the answer to your question is "Yes" there are grant programs in which areas in Africa can apply.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Starting An Adult Website?
I saw a very interesting case today on Judge Mathis. A woman was suing a man because she had invested money in an adult web business that he was starting. The man said that the business didn't turn out the way he expected.
I would have LOVED to know about how he had set up his website because like it or not adult websites pull in a LOT of money. Some sites make as much as $1 Million Dollars a Month!
You can set up a site yourself or act as the owner and allow others to use your site. And if you have webcam capabilities your income is likely to increase more.
People send me email all the time wanting to start a business at home using their computer and starting an adult website is one way that that can be accomplished. That is why I sell a Business Plan "XXX" - for those that want to start their own business at home using their computer. You can read more about it on my consultation page at:
Of course it isn't for everybody BUT you can apply the same principles to tailor it to the kind of business that YOU want to start.
I would have LOVED to know about how he had set up his website because like it or not adult websites pull in a LOT of money. Some sites make as much as $1 Million Dollars a Month!
You can set up a site yourself or act as the owner and allow others to use your site. And if you have webcam capabilities your income is likely to increase more.
People send me email all the time wanting to start a business at home using their computer and starting an adult website is one way that that can be accomplished. That is why I sell a Business Plan "XXX" - for those that want to start their own business at home using their computer. You can read more about it on my consultation page at:
Of course it isn't for everybody BUT you can apply the same principles to tailor it to the kind of business that YOU want to start.
Starting A Business in Florida?
In reply to an email.......
To put it in a nutshell, Florida like other areas wants to encourage economic growth and they have programs that encourage people to have businesses - especially in areas where the community is very economically disadvantaged.
Going from your comments above I would concentrate first on the fact that you want to employ the disabled as there are programs for that. Since you have not "officially" started your business there are steps that you are going to have to take in order to apply for these programs - the most important being some sort of business plan structure because the funding organization will want to know what the money will be used for.
How you structure your plan will decide on what funding programs that you will be qualified to apply to/for and those funding the programs will be the state's own agencies. As far as applying for funding it is the state's agencies that you will be applying to.
P.S. - Florida offers a start-up kit for those that want to start a business in Florida and it contains information on the specifics of what you will need as far as licenses other important requirements are concerned.
To put it in a nutshell, Florida like other areas wants to encourage economic growth and they have programs that encourage people to have businesses - especially in areas where the community is very economically disadvantaged.
Going from your comments above I would concentrate first on the fact that you want to employ the disabled as there are programs for that. Since you have not "officially" started your business there are steps that you are going to have to take in order to apply for these programs - the most important being some sort of business plan structure because the funding organization will want to know what the money will be used for.
How you structure your plan will decide on what funding programs that you will be qualified to apply to/for and those funding the programs will be the state's own agencies. As far as applying for funding it is the state's agencies that you will be applying to.
P.S. - Florida offers a start-up kit for those that want to start a business in Florida and it contains information on the specifics of what you will need as far as licenses other important requirements are concerned.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Grants for Songwriters?
I was answering a post about available grants for songwriters. Here is my answer below:
"Well I do find it hard to believe that you couldn't find at least 1 or 2 programs that you can apply to but for argument's sake let's just say that you couldn't find any. Do you know what you do next? You look for some more! You are probably not aware of it but there is a foundation that was founded to honor a very famous songwriter and what makes this foundation so legitimate is that Kathie Lee Gifford has been a part of it. It had a $100,000 grant award for songwriters plus that's not the only songwriting-related programs that they have. That is just one example of the available grant programs out there for songwriters and songwriting related endeavors - and I emphasize that it is but ONE example!"
"Well I do find it hard to believe that you couldn't find at least 1 or 2 programs that you can apply to but for argument's sake let's just say that you couldn't find any. Do you know what you do next? You look for some more! You are probably not aware of it but there is a foundation that was founded to honor a very famous songwriter and what makes this foundation so legitimate is that Kathie Lee Gifford has been a part of it. It had a $100,000 grant award for songwriters plus that's not the only songwriting-related programs that they have. That is just one example of the available grant programs out there for songwriters and songwriting related endeavors - and I emphasize that it is but ONE example!"
Originally my blog was supposed to be about working at home but......
more and more the topics tend to be about grants and grant programs.
Since this is part of what I do I thought that I would share with you about some of what is involved.
It's almost comparable to being in a library studying and finding books that contain the subject matter that I'm looking for. Of course I try to collect and maintain as much data as I can but there is so much out there! The only difference is that I spend most of my working time in front of the computer whether it be online collecting data or offline maintaining the data. And this just doesn't apply to grant-related work but also to the other work that I do which can be anything from designing a business card or flyer for a client to maintaining records.
I'm sure its the same for others that work at home although some may not be as involved in computer work but they may be crafters or hobbyists that have turned their hobby into a business or career.
Sure there are many advantages to being able to work from home but its something that isn't impossible to achieve. Just take what you love and turn it into a business!
Does that mean that I love grants and grant programs? No, it means that I took something that interested me and turned it into a business. And you can do the exact same thing!
Since this is part of what I do I thought that I would share with you about some of what is involved.
It's almost comparable to being in a library studying and finding books that contain the subject matter that I'm looking for. Of course I try to collect and maintain as much data as I can but there is so much out there! The only difference is that I spend most of my working time in front of the computer whether it be online collecting data or offline maintaining the data. And this just doesn't apply to grant-related work but also to the other work that I do which can be anything from designing a business card or flyer for a client to maintaining records.
I'm sure its the same for others that work at home although some may not be as involved in computer work but they may be crafters or hobbyists that have turned their hobby into a business or career.
Sure there are many advantages to being able to work from home but its something that isn't impossible to achieve. Just take what you love and turn it into a business!
Does that mean that I love grants and grant programs? No, it means that I took something that interested me and turned it into a business. And you can do the exact same thing!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Government Contracts - A different kind of government income
Grants are not the only thing that the government has. You can also try and get a government contract to work for them. What this means is that the government becomes your client.
For instance, a foreign language business in Florida received a 5-year, $50 million dollar government contract to teach its soldiers a foreign language.
Some interesting things to note about the above contract is that the government doesn't want it talked about too much (security reasons I guess) and the foreign language business that bid on the contract wasn't the lowest bid submitted.
For instance, a foreign language business in Florida received a 5-year, $50 million dollar government contract to teach its soldiers a foreign language.
Some interesting things to note about the above contract is that the government doesn't want it talked about too much (security reasons I guess) and the foreign language business that bid on the contract wasn't the lowest bid submitted.
Friday, September 09, 2005
A Word about Investors and Getting Them
I see so many posts where people are seeking investors and one of the things that you have to understand is that they will not come to you - you will have to go to them.
While investors do invest their money into your business they do not do it for the "heck" of it. They will want to see a return on their investment and you are going to have to show them what kind of return they will get on their investment. You are going to have to show them why they should invest in your business.
Finding investors is not an impossible task but it will be just that - a task! And the better prepared you are the better your chances of actually finding an investor.
There are still investors, angel investors and venture capitalists around but they just don't go advertising to the world and hopefully you can see why they don't.
While investors do invest their money into your business they do not do it for the "heck" of it. They will want to see a return on their investment and you are going to have to show them what kind of return they will get on their investment. You are going to have to show them why they should invest in your business.
Finding investors is not an impossible task but it will be just that - a task! And the better prepared you are the better your chances of actually finding an investor.
There are still investors, angel investors and venture capitalists around but they just don't go advertising to the world and hopefully you can see why they don't.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Hurricane Victims to Receive $2000.00 Debit Cards
from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
The cards will be distributed throughout various shelters in the area. However not all of the survivors will qualify as there are conditions that have to be met.
There is also a big concern about fraud and making sure that the debit cards go to those that it was intended for. The cards will be administered through FEMA.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Other Available Aid For Hurricane Survivors
AT&T will donate $1 million to American Red Cross and will match employee donations up to $500,000. AT&T will donate 35,000 30-minute calling cards and will establish IP-based calling centers to give evacuees and emergency workers access to free calling.
Charles Schwab is offers a home equity line of credit up to $25,000 as either a new line of credit or an extension to an existing line of credit. The offer will include residences that have sustained storm damage that normally would not qualify.
DirecTV has launched a Hurricane Katrina Information channel.
Fannie Mae has mortgage relief provisions in place for borrowers in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and other states facing hardships as a result of widespread damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.
Harrah's Entertainment will establish an Employee Recovery Fund of $1 million and will provide Biloxi, Gulfport and New Orleans casino employees with their regularly scheduled base pay for up to 90 days.
Kraft Foods will provide $1 million in food and cash grants.
Papa Johns franchisee owner Keith Sullens in Houston is using his location in Reliant Stadium, which is adjacent to the Astrodome, to provide up to 10,000 Pizzas to people arriving at the Astrodome from the Superdome. He is also offering 150 delivery jobs open across the Houston area to people evacuated from New Orleans as a chance for them to get back on their feet. On the corporate Papa Johns will provide water to people evacuated to the Astrodome.
Wal-Mart Stores will give $17 million in cash donations and establish mini-Wal-Mart stores in areas impacted by the hurricane. Items such as clothing, diapers, baby wipes, food, formula, toothbrushes, bedding and water will be given out free of charge to those with a demonstrated need.
This information brought to you courtesy of CNNMoney
Charles Schwab is offers a home equity line of credit up to $25,000 as either a new line of credit or an extension to an existing line of credit. The offer will include residences that have sustained storm damage that normally would not qualify.
DirecTV has launched a Hurricane Katrina Information channel.
Fannie Mae has mortgage relief provisions in place for borrowers in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and other states facing hardships as a result of widespread damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.
Harrah's Entertainment will establish an Employee Recovery Fund of $1 million and will provide Biloxi, Gulfport and New Orleans casino employees with their regularly scheduled base pay for up to 90 days.
Kraft Foods will provide $1 million in food and cash grants.
Papa Johns franchisee owner Keith Sullens in Houston is using his location in Reliant Stadium, which is adjacent to the Astrodome, to provide up to 10,000 Pizzas to people arriving at the Astrodome from the Superdome. He is also offering 150 delivery jobs open across the Houston area to people evacuated from New Orleans as a chance for them to get back on their feet. On the corporate Papa Johns will provide water to people evacuated to the Astrodome.
Wal-Mart Stores will give $17 million in cash donations and establish mini-Wal-Mart stores in areas impacted by the hurricane. Items such as clothing, diapers, baby wipes, food, formula, toothbrushes, bedding and water will be given out free of charge to those with a demonstrated need.
This information brought to you courtesy of CNNMoney
Grant Money Available For Some of The Hurricane Victims
The AFL-CIO is providing its members with grant money ranging from $500.00 to $2000.00. This money does not have to be paid back and here is what is needed to qualify:
Have been a victim of a natural disaster.
Have experienced a significant income loss or financial hardship.
Have been a Union Plus Credit Card holder for at least 12 months and have opened the account prior to the date of the natural disaster.
Document his or her circumstances and income loss.
To apply for the grant, cardholders can call the Credit Card Disaster Relief Helpline at 1-877-761-5028 to speak directly with a specially trained representative.
Disaster victims who participate in the Union Plus Loan, Auto Insurance and Mortgage programs may be eligible to receive payment extensions or other special help from the program providers. Assistance plans vary by program provider. To find out more, disaster victims who participate in any of the following Union Plus programs should call the toll-free numbers
Have been a victim of a natural disaster.
Have experienced a significant income loss or financial hardship.
Have been a Union Plus Credit Card holder for at least 12 months and have opened the account prior to the date of the natural disaster.
Document his or her circumstances and income loss.
To apply for the grant, cardholders can call the Credit Card Disaster Relief Helpline at 1-877-761-5028 to speak directly with a specially trained representative.
Disaster victims who participate in the Union Plus Loan, Auto Insurance and Mortgage programs may be eligible to receive payment extensions or other special help from the program providers. Assistance plans vary by program provider. To find out more, disaster victims who participate in any of the following Union Plus programs should call the toll-free numbers
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Question - How/Where Do I Start?
hello again, i need to find someone to do what? You said subscriber how do i do that i've never done this and i don't really know who to talk to. Can you give me some ideas of who to find or talk to. Thanks again
OK, I went back and looked at the previous email that you sent me so that I have a general idea of what you are talking about. (By the way you should note the above sentence and note that THIS is one of the reasons why I and others always suggest a business plan because amongst other things it shows that you should keep and maintain records!)
Back to your comment above: Basically you are asking "How" and the answer is to start with a plan! I suggested to you about starting a newsletter about being a parent and raising kids - well this is something that you have experience in - WRITE IT DOWN! That is the start and foundation of your newsletter! You start there! What time do you have to get up? Why? What is the first thing you have to do in the morning? Why? etc....................What information do you think parents would like to know? I can think of a lot of them! You're a parent - what kind of information do you wish you had?
When you don't know where to start one of your best bets is to start locally. Are there parents in your area? Make up a flyer about your newsletter. If there's some local rule about not putting flyers in peoples' mailbox then put them somewhere else! Can't make or don't know how to make a flyer? I really doubt that! I helped someone pass out flyers and his flyer was done by hand! You can (and I have) make a flyer using the most basic wordprocessing program!
Now here is where and why a business plan is advised. How are people going to contact you? What kind of newsletter will you have? What form will it take? How will you deliver it? Online? Offline? Or both? What about advertisers? And lets talk about advertisers for a moment - What kind of advertisers would parents be interested in? Do you see where I'm going here! Make a business plan! The sooner you plan your business the sooner you can start your business!
OK, I went back and looked at the previous email that you sent me so that I have a general idea of what you are talking about. (By the way you should note the above sentence and note that THIS is one of the reasons why I and others always suggest a business plan because amongst other things it shows that you should keep and maintain records!)
Back to your comment above: Basically you are asking "How" and the answer is to start with a plan! I suggested to you about starting a newsletter about being a parent and raising kids - well this is something that you have experience in - WRITE IT DOWN! That is the start and foundation of your newsletter! You start there! What time do you have to get up? Why? What is the first thing you have to do in the morning? Why? etc....................What information do you think parents would like to know? I can think of a lot of them! You're a parent - what kind of information do you wish you had?
When you don't know where to start one of your best bets is to start locally. Are there parents in your area? Make up a flyer about your newsletter. If there's some local rule about not putting flyers in peoples' mailbox then put them somewhere else! Can't make or don't know how to make a flyer? I really doubt that! I helped someone pass out flyers and his flyer was done by hand! You can (and I have) make a flyer using the most basic wordprocessing program!
Now here is where and why a business plan is advised. How are people going to contact you? What kind of newsletter will you have? What form will it take? How will you deliver it? Online? Offline? Or both? What about advertisers? And lets talk about advertisers for a moment - What kind of advertisers would parents be interested in? Do you see where I'm going here! Make a business plan! The sooner you plan your business the sooner you can start your business!
Friday, September 02, 2005
Grants! - Even Judge Mathis has mentioned them on his show!
I meant to add this to my blog but even Judge Mathis with his "court" show has mentioned grants for students. What he said was to a younger person who said that they were attempting to get into college but that they didn't have enough money and what Judge Mathis said (and he said it matter-of-factly as if every student knew this) that they should get a grant. He suggested getting a grant to pay for 80 percent of the tuition and then getting the rest in student loans. (I could make an argument for getting scholarships and foundation grants for the other 20 percent but that's another debate for another time)
What you should do first is look to the university that you want to attend. Find out from there financial office what kinds of funding they provide and what other funding resources they provide. Then depending on what courses/subject matter you will be taking then you can look into grants/funding/scholarships that are offered in the subjects/career which you want to partake in. Don't think that it may not exist for you because I have seen student related funding programs for everything from astrology to zoology! I remember one particular student grant program provides for a student to travel to France - all expenses paid plus they get a stipend and medical insurance. Why is this funding program in place? Basically its because France wants to show that their schools/colleges are just as good as those in the US.
So try to find as much funding as you can to be able to pay for your entire tuition.
What you should do first is look to the university that you want to attend. Find out from there financial office what kinds of funding they provide and what other funding resources they provide. Then depending on what courses/subject matter you will be taking then you can look into grants/funding/scholarships that are offered in the subjects/career which you want to partake in. Don't think that it may not exist for you because I have seen student related funding programs for everything from astrology to zoology! I remember one particular student grant program provides for a student to travel to France - all expenses paid plus they get a stipend and medical insurance. Why is this funding program in place? Basically its because France wants to show that their schools/colleges are just as good as those in the US.
So try to find as much funding as you can to be able to pay for your entire tuition.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Witch Receives Grant!
This comes from an article in a student newspapper from a very popular university. Outside of the United States a witch has received over $7,000 to fund her business. And what is her business? Consulting! That's right. Of course she had to promise not to do any "spells" on anyone. But what she can do (and is going to do) is to teach magic, give seminars, tell fortunes and will be using some of her grant money to make an ointment to help her customers more.
It's really ironic since in the past the "government" has burned witches at the stake. At the moment I'm currently getting more information about this but what I can tell you is that this woman submitted her business plan and was chosen for the grant because (in the words of the organization giving the grant) she had provided a "well thought out" plan.
This just furthers what my gut and instincts have thought all along. So many people talk about how there are no grants - especially for business - and the above information just proves them more wrong. The one thing about this woman is that she applied for the grant! She actually went through the whole process and for her it paid off!
I also like this story because it is one of those "out of the ordinary" stories but more importantly it is another great example of someone who has started their own business - no matter how unusual and/or "out of the norm" it was!
It's really ironic since in the past the "government" has burned witches at the stake. At the moment I'm currently getting more information about this but what I can tell you is that this woman submitted her business plan and was chosen for the grant because (in the words of the organization giving the grant) she had provided a "well thought out" plan.
This just furthers what my gut and instincts have thought all along. So many people talk about how there are no grants - especially for business - and the above information just proves them more wrong. The one thing about this woman is that she applied for the grant! She actually went through the whole process and for her it paid off!
I also like this story because it is one of those "out of the ordinary" stories but more importantly it is another great example of someone who has started their own business - no matter how unusual and/or "out of the norm" it was!
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