Thursday, June 30, 2005
A Challenge! - Grants & Cheese!
Do you know that there is a real concern for America's limited calcium intake? There is enough concern about this that an organization was willing to provide a grant in the amount of $5,000 to an organization or individual to help promote healthy eating! This grant program was limited to one state only and the application deadline was May 2005. Now we'll have to wait and see if this same program will be available next year. But you can call and find out if this program will be available again.
Making A Living At Home - The Ebay Way!
There was another example of a guy that sells movies/DVD's and his business made around $80,000 last year.
Both very good examples of people working from home with their own business(es)!
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Can you get grant money to start a business without buying one of "those" books?
As a matter of fact looking for and finding the information yourself will help you keep up with the latest and most current grants. For example I recently found out that the IRS will be starting a new grant program in the year 2006 for the 2005 tax year. I have also been able to find out about castles being for sale at a reduced price in Germany.
Many convention grant funding resources don't have ALL the grant funding resources that are currently available. Did you know that there is a competition for the best business plan using a particular piece of software and of course it is being sponsored by the software company itself. 2004 recipient of that grant started a lingerie boutique! There is a grant awarded to 5 minority applicants for the best business idea/plan and the grant award is $20,000 and the program itself is annually. There are also quite a few programs out there where the main requirement is coming up with an endeavor/vision to help community and society as a whole - the largest grant award that I have seen so far is $100,000! These kinds of programs are from more than one source and while they are not impossible to find they do seem to be quite hard to find - especially the grants relating to starting a business. That helps you because the less people that know about them the less competition there is for you when you apply.
Paying A GrantWriter - An Excerpt from A Grantwriters Organization
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Grants In My Own Back Yard!
It also help that this is an historical area as well because there is a grant program for the area residents that qualify. The grant per award is over $20,000 and is used to help repair the home(s). To meet the eligibility requirements the homes must be located within a certain area and you must be low to moderate incomed to apply. There are some additional restrictions as well. But if you do qualify there is a waiting list and after that all applicants will be reviewed on a "first come, first served" basis.
Of course these grants aren't limited to just my area. You should check and see if your own area(s) qualify for these types of grants too.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
How Can a Non-Profit buy property?
There is a separate grant program where the grant funding can be used acquire property however one of the requirements is that the property will be used by the business. Again this is a program for rural areas.
The government also has surplus property that they sell at reduced prices.
And one very important thing that has to be considered when trying to buy property. Of course it will depend on who the owner is of the property. There have been instances where the owners have donated the property or gave a favorable lease. It will depend on who the actual owner of the property is. While there is a way to help identify who a property owner may be you might want to consider preparing some kind of offer BEFORE you contact them.
Germany-How would you like to buy a castle with a government grant of $250,000
This grant is available in Germany. Now of course the conditions of the properties are bad but it's a CASTLE for goodness sake! This is probably a good investment for real estate investors. One of the roadblocks to finding out about these properties is that the realtors don't get a commission on these properties so they will try to sell you something else. Another roadblock is that the applications are in German! (If you can get through that one then go for it!) One good thing is that the property taxes are low because they are considered historical buildings and by low I mean less than $1000 a year and on average about $400 per year. You can inquire about the properties directly to the government or you can go through one of the realtors assigned to the properties.
And yes, Americans can apply!
Grants - On a more personal note....
Another thing that I have found is that the people that say that there are no grants are wrong. It is just as simple as that - they are wrong. Have you taken a look at the government's website? They have grants that are open to all - that includes individuals and for-profits. Do you know that there are grants available for comic book writers and those that want to study/go to college and for those that want to start a business?
When someone says that there are no grants available I know that they are wrong. And more importantly when they say that I'm wrong I know that I'm not - because if anything else my grants page at:
proves that there are grants out there. I can understand people getting frustrated at not being able to find the information but if I can find it then it means that it is out there and you will just have to keep looking until you find it. If there is any consolation just remember that the fact that the grant information is so hard to find will make it easier on you once you find it because that means that there will be less competition when you apply for the grant yourself.
Do not ask me to find grant information for you unless you are a client. This kind of work involves a lot of detailed and tedious work and once you start looking for and finding this information on your own you will see why.
Friday, June 24, 2005
The Small Business Administration - Some Interesting News
The current definition of a small business is one that employs 500 or less. However that may change to employing a 100 or less people. This has not been decided yet so the 500 maximum still applies.
Also the rules regarding the research grants have changed since 2002. Gary Jackson, assistant administrator for size standards at the SBA, said the agency might propose new rules on size and other issues by the end of the year.
Grants for Artists in Arizona region
You know Grants are not the only thing provided for free......
However these freebies aren't just for teachers they are also some for parents and for organizations as well.
Question - Should You Hire A GrantWriter?
Thanks for your information it was very helpful. I look on the website but I didn't see this information. Would it be beneficial for me to hire a grant seeker or do the process myself?
Thank You
What I think would be beneficial for you is to first define your objective. What are you seeking a grant(s) for? Once you identify that then you will know which direction you should be going in. This is basically what you will be doing if you hire a grantwriter. If you don't know what grant resources you are seeking the grantwriter will have to prepare an evaluation of you first. Then they will know what areas that they should be looking into as far as grant funding resources for you specifically are concerned.
Finding information about grants and whether or not you are eligible for them requires a lot of time and effort and that is why organizations like schools and community organizations have grant writers on staff. So if you do not want to pay someone to do this for you then you can find the information on your own. Information about grants - especially government grants - is freely accessible information. In fact as far as government grants go it has to be accessible to the public. A good 90% of all the grant related information that I have found has been electronically.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
DayCare Grants - Profit vs Non-profit
Daycare grants or grants relating to daycare can be found in different categories. For instance let's use the category of by area. Every state does not have the same program and sometimes a state won't have the program at all. That's why one person in one state might not be able to get the same grant (or apply for the same grant) as say someone from another state that wants to open a daycare center. For instance in one state there is a grant available to help buy equipment for daycare centers that are already established. However to be eligible your daycare center has to be a licensed or registered childcare that is registered with the state and you must serve those who are considered to be low-incomed. The purpose of this grant is to help improve the quality and provide more quality daycare services to help those that are considered low-incomed to have affordable daycare so that they can continue to keep their jobs.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Grants Available in Tibet! - For their schools....
We receive a lot of donations earmarked for education - more than $19,000 in 2002 and 2003 alone. We put these funds to work by making small grants ($500-$2000) to schools to purchase items essential for the health and education of the children in their charge. Many of these schools are government-operated, but the local governments operating them simply do not have the cash to provide more than basic buildings, teacher salaries, and books. Leadership is key; when our Foundation finds a good, trustworthy headmaster, we work with him or her to identify the items most needed, where a little bit of money can make a huge difference in the lives of children.
There are some bad apples of there
The one thing that I have to emphasize about grants (and the whole process of getting them) is that a grant cannot be guarenteed! Your grant application is not the only application that is being submitted. The one(s) awarded the grant are the ones that best meets the objectives/requirements of the grant. The decision as to who gets the grant is not open to the public. Of course later (as a matter of public record) you can see WHO received the grant.
Before I take on a new client or customer I first have them fill out a questionaire so that I can get a good idea of what it is that they are seeking.
If you would like to see the questions, here is the URL:
Once they answer the 4 or 5 questions I can get a good idea of what it is they are looking for and I'll be better able to know if I can take them as a client. Once I receive payment then I can start the research process and find funding resources available to them (according to what they have answered to the questions). That research is compiled and organized and sent to the client so that they will have a copy for themselves regardless of whether or not they decide to use me as the grantwriter or they decide to write/go through the process themselves. Since my basic research package is for 30 days, the client also gets an online file to show the progress of the research (yeah I know - I'm a computer nut - but hey - as long as I know how to do this I might as well use it to benefit the customer and make them feel better at ease.)
Every grantwriter/researcher has their own way of doing things but having some kind of receipt or progress report or something to show what they are doing or have been doing should be a basic part of the service.
Another point that I would like to make is that I can see this in a totally different perspective. Matthew Lesko has been scrutinized by the FTC who want to find the "scams" out there and bring this to their attention would shed light on those that are really the scams. There is so much information on line about how getting grants is a scam - why not weed out and bring the scams to light.
I know that you may not want to get involved but maybe you can use a third party to shed some light on this person.
Monday, June 20, 2005
"Emergency Grants" available in Texas!
I've Got A Secret! - A New Grant Has Been Announced! - By The IRS!
Basically if you are providing (or want to provide) tax preparation assistance to low-incomed and/or those who use English as a 2nd language you are eligible for the grant.
Oh, I forgot to mention how much the grant award is - $100,00!
Here is an excerpt from their page:
"Grant funds may be awarded for start-up expenditures incurred by new clinics during the 2006 grant cycle."
A grant provided by the IRS! How ironic is THAT!
Grants - and so it continues..........
As I do this kind of work I have this problem about people that don't want to pay for the information. One of the biggest arguments about grants and the information regarding them (especially the government related grants) is that this information is freely accessible to the public! Which means that it is out there for anyone to find. There are no hidden passwords or secret handshakes or having to know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody.Did you know that there is an annual grant award of where 5 recipients each get awarded $20,000 for the best business plan for a business? One recipient used her $20,000 to start her film company and another used theirs to start a catering/restaurant business. What is the requirement to apply for the grant? Well you have to have a business plan and you have to be a minority! That's it! No equity, no credit history - just the requirements I listed above. Who supplies the grant? It is a big corporation that wants to "give back to the community". How do I know this? Because I went and found that information whilst sitting in front of the computer. And for my clients that request it (I make sure that they qualify for it first) I include the information along with any other related grant resources.What else is there? Do you know that there is a yearly grant of $100,000 that is "aimed at fostering a spirit of enterprise around the world". These grant awards are designed to recognize pioneering concepts and innovative thought by giving individuals the means to achieve an important undertaking. The grants are for enterprise support outstanding initiatives in the following key areas of human endeavor science and medicine; technology and innovation; exploration and discovery; the environment; and cultural heritage. Projects may be submitted in almost any area of activity though, provided that they expand knowledge of our world, improve the quality of life on the planet, or contribute to the betterment of humankind. Anyone of any age or from any country can apply for the award. The five applicants whose projects are deemed the most outstanding will each receive $100,000.
The problem is not that there aren't any grants out there the problem is finding the information and like with anything else you just have to keep looking until you find it!
Is all this talk about grants a scam?
For example one of the most often asked questions is about daycare and grants. I found a recent article in the Santa Maria Times about a woman that received a $2,500 grant that she used to improve her home daycare business. She used the money to buy more equipment and to improve the equipment that she already had. This grant has been awarded yearly for the past 5 years. It is dependent on a certain region though but the grant money is provided to family childcare programs and can be used to help provide safety feature, to help improve the learning environment and/or the grant money can be used to upgrade outdoor play areas. What is the purpose of the grant? To help provide more quality childcare. And what's more the program is aimed towards those that provide childcare services from their home.
It took me 5 minutes to find this information and that is exactly what you will have to do - find the information. It's not hidden. It's not a secret. I didn't have to use any kind of password(s) to access this information and I didn't know somebody that knew somebody that.......
I have even found information that even surprised me! How about the person that received so much grant money that he felt that he had to give some of it (half) of it back because he said it was too much?
Another often asked question is about grants and starting a business. There are grants out there because I have found them for others and there is definitely more than one! I have often talked about the big corporation that awards a yearly grant of $100,000 for ideas to help better the community and society as a whole - seems nobody (except my clients) knows about that one. Yet and still that information is up for all to see.
So when anybody says that there are no grants out there for this and that I know that they just haven't found it yet because the information is out there.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Grants For Starting A Day Care - The questions continues.....
If you check some of the older posts and the replies given you will see that yours is not the first time someone has posted about daycare - related grants. Don has posted some information as well as I have and so have a lot of others. Please go back and read some of them.
Basically finding a grant (or grants) for your particulary case has been done before. There is a high priority placed on being able to keep the elderly and/or disabled in their own homes (as opposed to them going to some kind of medical facility). There is a specially emphasis on helping the disabled to be able to be gainfully employed whether it be self employed or them working for someone else. There is an objective to help provide daycare for those that need it (which is a lot of people/families that need daycare in order for them to be able to go to work). There's an incentive to better certain economically distressed areas/communities - so much so that if you can demonstrate the need for your services that you want to provide you may be able to get funding because of it. If you're a woman then the number of your grant resources increase. If you're a minority (which sometimes "women" are included in that category) then the number of your grant resources increases even more.
While you should have a business plan in place anyway it is best if you first see what application procedures are required before you start submitting. Each grant entity has their own rules and regulations so you are getting ahead of yourself.
Grants are not a "one size fits all" kind of thing. Its more of a you have to adhere to our requirements kind of thing. There is no one place to go and grants are provided by more than one type of entity. Besides the government grants there are grants from Foundations and Organizations and even big businesses - and as you can imagine that is going to involve a lot of work to find them.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Is it possible to work from home?
You may think that you won't be able to but you're wrong. There is no secret "secret" that people who work from home know. There is work and there has to be discipline and it would help if you are organized.
Want an example of someone who works from home? I was reading about an artist who is in his 70's and he has an art studio in his home. That's where he paints his pictures and then he sells them via his webpage. He takes credit card payments, check payments, etc.,
Want another example? How about someone who has written an ebook and only sells it via the Internet? People are selling their crafts like candles and knick knacks online. People are giving consultations and tutoring online and the list just goes on and on and on.
If you'd like to see some more examples or would just like to read about others and their dream jobs just go and visit my page at:
and read all about it!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Grant Basics 101 - A Grant Cannot Be Guarenteed!
Playing Devil's advocate here you would have to see each and every proposal or application that was submitted and then compare them to yours and then if you see one that you think was better written than yours or better meets the objective of the grant (better than yours) then you would have to go back and rewrite your submission to make it better than theirs.
Submissions are not open to the public although I have seen a few articles where people who have applied for grants didn't like that they weren't chosen and have decided to have the whole thing investigated or appealed or reviewed. That's why some of the entities that award grants have a "no-appeal" stipulation.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Grant Example - Single Mother wanting grant to buy a home/homeownership...
Here is but one example of such a program:
The objective of this grant is to help encourage homeownership. Better homeownership helps better a community which helps better society as a whole which is what the government wants. For this grant the homebuyer participates in the construction of the home. The grant monies can be used for buying the land and making improvements. There is a limit of the amount of money. The grant is available to non-profit organizations or related groups that have a past record of providing housing to others. They in turn provide the housing to those homebuyers that are considered to be low-incomed and not able to afford housing using conventional methods. The homeowner is still required to pay the downpayment and monthly mortgage payments but these payments are considerably lower than buying a house using the conventional methods.
So you as the potential homeowner will have to contact the organizations that are granted these government grants and apply directly to them. One very good example of this type of organization is the Habitat organization. They have helped build over 125,000 houses for those who were homeless or low-incomed. Included in their information is the fact that they do not receive government funding - their funding comes from gifts and donations. The application process is relatively simple and those applications that are submitted are reveiwed by the organization's committee. Race or religion is not included in the eligiblity requirements. What is needed to be eligible is the degree of your need, how much you are willing to participate in the actual process and your ability to repay the loan which will be a no-interest loan.
In the year 2005 it is estimated that over $24 Million Dollars will be allocated for this program!
There is another government funded program that allows regions to acquire government owned properties for $1 plus closing costs provided that they in turn provide these properties to low-incomed families, first time home buyers and those that will use the properties to provide child-care services, shelters for domestic abuse and related services.
Besides being able to provide affordable housing this is a good opportunity for different areas to acquire properties where they can generate income for the area. If your area does not know of this government program - they should! In 2004 over 1500 properties were sold to areas using this "$1" program.
In case you're curious, if there are no "claims" on the properties then they next go to a government program that allows teachers to buy them for 50% off their listed price. The teachers must agree to live in the property for at least 3 years and there are some other requirements as well such as agreeing to a second note on the property that will decrease the longer you live in the property and that you are a full-time teacher employed in the area that the property is in. Teachers apply by submitting offers on the properties that are available. Again this government program was started to help communities to thrive. In 2004 over 550 properties were sold this way.
Grant Basics 101 - continued...
What I did want to say is that there are grants that are known as "emergency" financial grants and they are available from many places. There are also grants that help with utility bills and I know about this firsthand because I have helped a relative get these plus other grants as well. That's why I do it professionally now.
I think it would help you a lot better if you understood the grant process more better. I have basic information about grants on my web page at:
It's just basic information about grants but it help you better to understand the process of the whole thing. Basically with grants you will have to show need and one of the most important things that one should know is that you do not automatically get a grant. You have to submit either a proposal, application or some type of inquiry/summary to the grantor. And your may not be the only one submitted. The winning grant recipient is usually the one that best meets the objective of the entity awarding the grant. Sometimes they give more than one grant award. For instance there is a grant of $20,000 awarded to 5 minorties who submit the best business plan for their business. There is another grant for entrepreneurs who have ideas for a business they want to start that will better help serve the community and society as a whole. This grant award is $100,000! and is awarded annually.
So you see there is a lot more that you will need to know to better help prepare you for applying for a grant of any kind. The number one reason why grant requests are denied is because the application process was not done right.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Help! - Funding for College Student!
My sister is a single parent who needs money for her son's college tution.
My sister is a hard working saleswomen who was expecting a large
commission check that never came. Now she is struggling to pay tution for
her son. He is already in college but may be coming home soon if we don't
find $$$. Does anyone know of a source to get college tution??
Unfortunately when dealing with scholarships and funding the process is never very fast. The first place you should look is to the college itself. They should have information on related funding sources. If not there are a number of funding resources for college students in a variety of subjects. In fact there is much less stigma attached to funding resources for education. Even the government may have something available depending on the student's course of study. If it is in a field where they need more people you can pretty much find at least one foundation that gives scholarships for it. Even if there isn't a big need there is more than likely a foundation that is offering a scholarship relating to the course that the student is taking.
"I Want To Get Into Production"
Are you talking about any particular type? Music? Commercial?
When I was a DJ at a local gospel station I was the producer for a talk show. I didn't even know that I was a producer until the host had called me his "producer". So that gave me a good idea of what a producer actually did.
Since you're trying to get in production you could apply to places where this type of work is done like radio/tv stations. As a matter of fact I saved this article about a guy who wanted to get into production. He didn't have any experience only desire. He kept knocking on door after door and his money was starting to run out but he kept at it and he finally got hired somewhere. He did his production job and he made sure that he did it well and that led to another production job and another and another.......
You should also take a good look at the programs that you already have on your computer. With the Internet you can have your own radio station you know. I have one (its down right now) and so do a lot of other people.
Did you know that a guy won a grammy with an album that he produced entirely on his computer! If you have a CD-RW you can "produce" your own music which essentially makes you your own production company.
It would help if you were a little bit more specific though. If you want to go the whole nine yards and be a record producer then I'm curious as to what type of experience that you have now. Have you done any kind of production work before?
You could be a commercial producer and make commercials as well.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Grant(s) For Starting a Massage Therapy Business....
I do know that there is an "entrepreneurial" type grant that offers a $100,000 grant to those individuals who wish to implement concrete projects that will advance human knowledge and well-being. The organization will consider projects in the areas of science and medicine; technology and innovation; exploration and discovery; the environment; and cultural heritage. Projects must improve the human condition and demonstrate an unfailing spirit of enterprise.
Grants - Let's say you want a grant to study/research astrology......
In the United States there is an organization dedicated to the memory of an astrologer and they want to continue the efforts to increase the public's awareness of astrology and help encourage those who are practicioners of astrology. The grant awards range from $100 to $500 and proposals can be submitted to this organization for consideration.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Grant Question - Personal/Finacial and Buying a Car?
There are grants that are known as emergency financial grants. Besides giving cash assistance there are grants that help with utility bills, food and home repairs.
There was a recent announce of a new government program allocating over $2 Million dollars over the next 4 years to help low-incomed people who want to own a home. The program is supposed to help those achieve the "American Dream" of owning a home. There are already older programs that have already been in place to help with ownership. For example to help with stimulating growth in some areas/localities there are grants for both the purchase and rehabilitation of homes in certain areas. One particular program provides two grants - one for purchasing the home and an additional one to rehab the home.
As far as the car is concerned, there is the example of a foundation asking the government to fund the financing of a car for those that lived in rural areas to help them decrease the feelings of isolation. There is also a new program in Ohio that is sort of a grant program in order to prevent some kind of emergency, causing someone to lose employment. It has been used it to help people get car repairs, get insurance covered, and there is someone now who is actually applying to get some help to buy a car.
College Scholarships for those students in need
There is another Foundation program that also gives out grants of $1,500 to $10,000 a year to students under 25 who were in foster care for at least one year before their 18th birthday or high school graduation
Many private scholarships go unused because no one even bothers to apply.
Grant Recipients - School Related Grants - continued - playground equipment
The Black Elementary School received a $53,000 grant which was used to provide playground equipment at the Black Elementary for handicapped students
From the U.K. - Grants For Humanitarian Organizations -
"Which are the foundation’s/grant’s priorities (goals, objectives)? Grants to charitable organisations that: combat violations of human rights and help victims of torture, refugees from oppression and those who have been falsely imprisoned; help those who have suffered severe bodily or mental hurt through no fault of their own, and if need be help their dependants: try in some way to offset man's inhumanity to man; oppose the extinction of the world's fauna and flora and the destruction of the environment for wildlife and for mankind worldwide"
There is no official application that has to be submitted. What the foundation does request is that you send a letter outling the reasons why you are seeking the grant, the grant amount and what the grant will be used for. There is no set amount for the amount of the grant because each letter is judged individually by the foundation's board. In the foundation's own words "Those organizations that help with supporting refugees will more than likely be funded".
This is one of the rare foundations that do not have a website. Letters must be sent by regular postal mail. However there is no deadline period for this grant which means you can submit your letter at any time.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Grant Basics 101
A Grantwriter's Creed
Look at what one can find if they only would take the time to look for it!
For example, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has approved a percentage of Federal funds for payment to grantwriters in some HUD programs. In a recent national meeting, a program officer from a different Federal agency stated that Federal funds can be used to pay a grantwriter to develop grants that will sustain or continue a program. This dramatic reversal in the Federal paradigm is fairly recent. With President Bush's Compassion Capital Fund, Federal monies will pay for grantwriting and evaluation assistance for faith- based and other nonprofit organizations.
And it should also go under the category of "look at what one can find if they only take the time to look for it!"
Getting Grants-Some Facts
Are you eligible for a grant in Canada to start your own business?
Who can apply?
Eligible Participants
Eligible participants are those who, pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act, are unemployed individuals who at the time of applying for the Self-Employment Program: for whom an unemployment benefit period has been established or has ended within the 36 months prior to the date of requesting assistance; or for whom a benefit period that included a maternity or parental claim has been established within the 60 months prior to the date of requesting assistance, after which the individual remained out of the labour market in order to care for a newborn or newly adopted child and is now seeking to re-enter the labour force.
Other criteria may apply
What is the objective of this program?
Program Objectives
To provide unemployed Employment Insurance eligible individuals with income and entrepreneurial support while they develop and implement their business plan.
To assist unemployed Employment Insurance eligible individuals to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment resulting in savings to the Employment Insurance Account
$20,000 Entrepreneurial Grant for those with a Business Plan
Thanks a lot.
The grant that I was referring to is one of the "entrepreneurial" grants that I was talking about. In fact they call it an entrepreneurial grant. One of the requirements is that you be between the ages of 21 and 30. For those of my clients that fit that requirement I give them the information. Sometimes even if they don't fit the requirement they still want the information. There is more than one requirement and you have to be able to meet them all. Another requirement is that you have a business plan because THAT has to be submitted as well. There is also a deadline!
If you don't meet the requirements of this particular grant then you should review the other "entrepreneurial" grants that are available to those that want to start their own business.
Past recipients of this grant include a woman that started her own film company, a catering company and a women's spa.
If you have a solid (and concise) business plan you should submit it to be considered for this grant. Four grant awards of $20,000 each are given.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Daycare (again)
One of the reasons that are given for starting a daycare business is that this is a service that is always in demand. In fact your post - where you say that there is a need for this service in your area - just proves my point.
What I don't understand is the specifics of whether or not the parents are being charged for taking care of their children. The most major sore point of your whole post (and you are answering your own question) is the lack of planning! The fact that you do have so many children that you are taking care of just goes to show that there is a profit potential here. Why is she NOT making money? How is she charging for her services? What is she charging?
The whole purpose of a business plan is to have a plan for your business. In simple, basic math you have to make more money than you spend. Your income - how much you charge - should be more than your expenses - how much you spend. When I do a business plan for someone they are amazed at how simple a thing it can be. There is no great mystery here - just a plan for your business. One of the most important things is to decide the objective of your business. Is it to be self-sustaining - in other words being able to earn a livable income from it? If so then WHAT is the amount that you would have to earn annually? Offset this against your expenses with the intent of having a profit. That is what this person is going to have to do!
As far as profit vs non-profit - it is a matter of choice. One of the most cited reasons for making one's endeavor a non-profit is that donations are tax-deductible. You qualify for more grants if you are non-profit but by the very definition of non-profit there is a limit on how much and what kinds of profit are available to you.
Bottom line is that she has to have a plan! Be it a business plan or just a day by day (not recommended)kind of plan - she is going to need one.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Work at home advice....
I have always said that the fastest way to make money is to find a need and fill it! Or do you have a "dream" job? Is there something that you like to do like hobbies, interests and the like that you could turn into a business? You can even take something that you hate and turn that into a business. One business example that I gave was how one could take their hate of washing dishes and turn that into a business by starting a newsletter - you could hold contests, post polls but where you would make your money would be the advertisers wanting to advertise.
Just think of how you want to earn your income. Is it sitting in front of the computer typing away? What kinds of programs do you have installed on your computer? Turn one of those into a business.
Since you have computer experience offer to be the neighborhood "Ebayer" and start an auction using a website - where others will pay to list their items. In fact you might want to think about selling things on Ebay yourself - lots of people are making a living this way.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Advice to a frustrated webdesigner that wants to freelance
Next comes the part about generating the income. One of my most favorite things to say is that the fastest way to make money is to find a need and fill it. I have participated in many discussions about this. Businesses like starting a cleaning service, babysitting/daycare service, running errands and doing yard work are all good examples of businesses that still have a very high demand. Another interesting business that came up was starting a dog-walking service. If these ideas don't appeal to you and/or you want to do something that is more computer related have you tried Ebay? There are many Ebay Power Sellers who have successfully managed to earn an income. There are others who have managed to earn a living income online by piggybacking onto something that is already successful. In fact one business plan that I create is specifically related to this. However it is not for everybody but as much as people tout about being able to work from home on their computer there are people that are actually doing it - they just don't brag about it!
And the most important thing that I want you to remember is that regardless of what business you start - remember your main objective is being able to be a professional webdesigner and that you are doing one thing to be able to do what you want.
There is something that you should know about me!
- I do not work on commission.
- I will not work on a percentage basis
- I will not provide free grant research and grant related services
It never ceases to amaze me that people will ask for "free" work to be done. It is obvious to me that they don't know the time and effort that is required to find information about grants. And it gets more harder when looking for specific types of grant information. Once they start looking for this information on their own hopefully they will have a whole new respect for the time and effort that is needed to find this kind of information.
Besides it wouldn't be fair to any of my clients to provide free work to someone else when they themselves are paying for this kind of service. This is a very good lesson for all of you that want to start a business of your own.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Past Life Regression/Grants/Private Practice
She maintains a private practice in both states. She is a Professor at the University of North Texas and Founding Director of the Institute for Studies in Addictions, which she established in 1989
She has been the recipient of many state and federal grants for her work in addictions and prevention of other destructive behaviors, in promotion of wellness and strengthening the family.
still think that grants don't exist?